A week ago, I held an empowerment class for a group of students from Quality Engineering course held last year at the Ryan Center in Rama village, conducted by the Erez College in Shlomi. Ryan Center is an organization dedicated to helping the Arab and minorities to find better employment, and this course was for the Druze and Circassian students. It ended in summer 2017 with the students taking the external exam held by the Israel Society for Quality, ICQE, which 71% passed of the 17 students who attended.
The initial purpose of the meeting was to hold a class for the students on Dream Realization, in order to provide them with tools for developing a personal approach, which will assist them in finding a position better suited to their individual interests and skills.
The meeting took place in Beit Jan, at the hose of one of the students, and about half the students of the course have participated.
Attracting what we want
As Change Facilitator and Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, I have focused on the understanding of the mechanism, bringing to us that which we attract, and the ways we interrupt its function of connecting us to what we want and/or need. When we begin to realize our role in the operation of this Law of Attraction mechanism, and what is happening around it, then we may change little things in our mind and thinking, affecting changes in our behavior and the result we receive.
The meeting was very successful, the conversation and the students’ questions and comments were fascinating and brought noticeably new thinking and ideas, which they never contemplated before. At the end of the meeting, we shared a meal at the host’s house, and there was a general wish to organize another in the future.
Such empowerment classes are excellent for making changes in personal and professional life, they are held in groups that are not very large, and have the potential of bringing long reaching results. I consider holding these classes for people who are not familiar with the Law of Attraction mechanisms a kind of mission of mine, contributing to growing the number of people here and abroad who has the ability and the power to change their lives. So that we may be more masters and less victims in our lives. So that our success grows, whatever we do and wherever we are.
Empowerment sessions on various subjects
I offer to hold classes for students who studied with me at any of the colleges: Kinneret, Erez, Tibam Plus, Mifne HaQirya and anyone who wishes to attend.
I attach a flyer (bottom of the post) with a few suggestions for topics (naturally, others are possible, as well). Click on the picture to open the flyer you may download (PDF).
Another benefit from such a meeting is students who have not met for a long while seeing each other again, a sort of “reunion”.
The class can be held at any location around the above colleges, at a symbolic cost, and to keep it such I would be glad if one of the students offered to host it at his home, a club in the Kibbutz or any other way so we need not rent a space.
I invite anyone who wishes to take part in such a class to reply to me by email or Facebook and state:
Location where you live
Phone and email
Whether Friday morning is good or some other evening is preferred
Whether you offer to host a meeting
Whether there is a topic which “catches your eye” or you find especially interesting
I shall contact you with concrete offers, according to the responses.
Would be happy to see you and help you make the changes you want in your lives.
Click on the picture to download a flyer with more information (PDF)