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As impossible as it may sound, today, ladies and gentlemen, we shall talk about translation. What do you mean, translation? We thought this blog was all about Quality Assurance,...
East and West 8 בספטמבר 2013 “Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,Till Earth and …
The blog Sharing Intellectual Capital by Nick Nicholls presents an interesting review of recent research made regarding the quality of customer service, in the form of info-graphics.
I just love children’s stories and love citing them as illustrations in my work, of all kinds. There is so much one may learn from them, deep concepts and ideas hidden in children’s literature, one such is flying high.
Today’s post is not of my own authorship, but a sharing of one I discovered on the Internet, which has caught my attention. The post deals with collaboration, a concept I strongly believe in as being the future of the world, and surely of Quality Assurance.
Everyone knows a company must have procedures. Quality or no quality, but everything must be set in procedures and they must be followed. Bureaucracy. A sort of God’s will.
A fascinating and funny lecture from TED (as usual). This time it is Shawn Achor, who explains to us how to completely overturn our understanding: that success at work (and not only at work) results from the worker being happy, and not the other way around...
Here’s a story I came across on Facebook today. It presents so precise a picture of the actual service today that I really have nothing to add to it. It was in Hebrew, so I translate.
Who needs goals? 11 באוגוסט 2013 I hear it all the time: how can we set goals if we don’t know if …
In the Scheveningen district of The Hague in the Netherlands lies a miniature park called Madurodam, home to a range of 1:25 scale model replicas of famous Dutch landmarks. Among them is a statue of the famous Dutch boy, who has taken responsibility and plugged a leaking dike (picture on the right).
It is customary to assume in the majority of workplace, schools, families and other social circles, that competition is a good thing, spurring people and motivating them to action. But is that really so?
There is an ancient Indian folk tale about the six old blind men who have dreamed to see the elephant until an elephant driver came by and heard them and allowed them to come to his elephant and make themselves familiar with this wonder. This tale was turned into the following poem by John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887).
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