Blog - Articles and News
Here you can find articles, announcements, conversations, ideas… in short – everything that changes.
Some picture in the articles are clickable, for viewing in the original color or enlarging. Mainly, it is art work, but also infographics, charts and people’s photographs.
Go ahead and browse, read, comment, voice your thoughts to me, share with people who you think may find it interesting. Make suggestions, ask questions, send me your own articles – in short, as you like it! And enjoy!
I am very happy to announce that "Maof Dvora" invites you all to benefit from a variety of new training plans. In addition, existing plans have been renewed, have gone through much rethinking and fine-tuning.
Last evening, Saturday night, we have marked the end of Shabbat and the beginning of Shavuot, Time of the Giving of the Torah.
Moadim LeSimcha, Happy Holidays without misses! This year, due to a technical challenge, I am posting my greetings a bit late.
For those of you who are not Jewish, or are, but don’t live in Israel and only know the main religious holidays, Tu BiShvat (the 15th of the month of Shvat, according to Hebrew calendar) is the New Year for trees.
The craze of being ” normal “ 18 בינואר 2016 If you are in the habit of reading my articles, you probably …
I would like to wish a very Happy New Year to all who celebrate this holiday, from any faith or nationality, from any country of origin.
I would like to wish all my Christian friends, students, colleagues and visitors with whom I am not acquainted a Merry Christmas at the end of this, 2015th year as counted from the birth of Christ.
Tomorrow, Sunday, the Jewish people all over the word shall come together to celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah. Personally it's one of my favorite holidays, both from a Jewish place and in general.
In order to proceed and understand problem-solving methodology, we need to speak the same language. Thus, in this article, I shall focus on a trinity of basic terms: cause - target - effect.
Happy Thanksgiving! 27 בנובמבר 2015 To all my friends and followers who celebrate this holiday, and a day late, I would like …
I must choose one subject. Well, I shall focus on the first stage of problem-solving methodology: Problem Definition. I shall open with a little amusing story we used to tell as a joke, when I was a teenager.
After a long period of silence, due to an almost indescribable work overload, I have finally come back to my blog, first of all, to let you know of the upgrade I made.
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