Quality with a Smile – Struggle Free

Quality with a smile - struggle free

An approach that will take you to another level

Chose the path which suits you best:

and CONTACT ME to set up a non-binding meeting at your facility.


Illustration: process-capability

Are you capable?

I’d like to talk a little about capabilities. Don’t worry, not about your personal capabilities, which I have no doubt are excellent. We shall talk about your processes’ capabilities. Though, I must say, some find that even more frightening. However, I have found that some concepts which appear difficult and intimidating may become simple and straightforward, if we but look at them from a slightly different, a bit more familiar and less threatening an angle.

Are you capable? Read More »

Illustration: noise

Noise proof

Post Views: 1,045 Noise proof 24 בנובמבר 2013 Among the gurus of Quality Assurance there was a Japanese man by the name Genichi Taguchi, who has only recently left this world, in June 2012. Being an engineer and a man of wide outlook, he realized the most profound thing any manufacturing organization must understand about

Noise proof Read More »

Illustration: why - a cast iron pot

Why? Because!

Post Views: 938 Why? Because ! 17 בנובמבר 2013 It often happens that we are going down a certain path, performing an action in a certain way, just because this is the way we have always done it, without knowing why. Perhaps our parents have done so, perhaps our teachers taught us to do so,

Why? Because! Read More »