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In the army they taught us that jumping the chain of command is against military law. Breaking this law would lead to being prosecuted for undermining authority, and to rather unpleasant results. For the perpetrator.
Fun dayscombined with empowerment 3 בדצמבר 2013 The best way to take the struggle out of Quality Assurance is by a change …
I’d like to talk a little about capabilities. Don’t worry, not about your personal capabilities, which I have no doubt are excellent. We shall talk about your processes’ capabilities. Though, I must say, some find that even more frightening. However, I have found that some concepts which appear difficult and intimidating may become simple and straightforward, if we but look at them from a slightly different, a bit more familiar and less threatening an angle.
Noise proof 24 בנובמבר 2013 Among the gurus of Quality Assurance there was a Japanese man by the name Genichi Taguchi, who …
Why? Because ! 17 בנובמבר 2013 It often happens that we are going down a certain path, performing an action in a …
Today we shall learn to connect the dots. What dots? The dots which comprise the full picture. Which picture? The picture of our process. Any process you are dealing with right now, it makes no difference.
The human brain is amazing and still, at this point of history and development of science, very much mysterious. Much more is unknown yet than discovered, but there are some things which scientists and researchers have uncovered and identified.
The slogan embroidered in golden thread on the flying banner of Quality Assurance says: “Constant Improvement”. And if we ask: how is "constant improvement" achieved? The answer would be: investigate.
In Quality Assurance, how does any process begin? From a definition, born of necessity, with the guidance, for instance, of the ISO 9001 standard, which instructs us to identify the processes in our organization and define them. That is, to decide how we perform them, which we may put in writing, so everyone can verify in the future, if they forget. We call that “procedure”.
Results-orientation or the test of time 13 באוקטובר 2013 On this website’s home page I have stated that Quality Assurance is people, …
Lately, due to my work at our school with the children and watching them create and learn, I have been thinking about how sometimes we miss the progress which, in the children's eyes, turns our familiar and probable, our wonderful tried-and-true ideas, to something whose time has passed.
One of those well known phrases men say is that they are so logical, while women have no logic at all and are ruled by emotion. Now, without challenging the logic of that statement or arousing an emotional tempest around it, today I would like to ask the question in a more scientific and basic manner:
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