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Rosh Hashana is already behind us, as is Yom Kippur, we are now just before Sukkot, and I haven’t written to wish you all a good new year yet. Therefore, I shall do so right now, and this time I shall tell you a bit about all the renewal that is taking place in my life.
Up till now, Purim was for me no more than a nice children’s holiday. The holiday, when all efforts go into making it fun for my son, sewing/building/ creating his costume. When I take heaps of photos...
A week ago, I held an empowerment class for a group of students from Quality Engineering course held last year at the Ryan Center in Rama village. Ryan Center helps the minorities to find better employment.
A few weeks ago, a student asked me a very interesting question. It was following a discussion about her frustration with improper Quality Assurance practices where another student, her friends, works. The question she asked was: “What’s the deal with the change you’re always talking about?
Tonight is the lighting of the first Hanukkah candle. Of all the Jewish holidays, Hanukkah is probably my favorite. And that is not only because of its trappings – all the light, and the candles, and the sufganiyot and the levivot (I so love levivot) – but also because of its message.
Ever since the appearance of the new revision of the ISO 9001 standard was published, I see incessant discussions of frightened Quality Assurance people on the differences between the revisions of 2015 and that of 2008. There are also a multitude of classes and training promising to help with the transition from the previous to the new.
Tonight, we celebrate Passover, 14th of Nissan, 5777. Nice date, with lots of 7-s in it. As every year, I endeavor to learn something new (for myself) about each holiday.
The differences between the revisions of standard ISO 9001:2008 and 2015 do not begin and end with process-orientation and risk management. Chapter 5 was called Management Responsibility and now it has a new title: Leadership. This change is what I would like to address here now.
Today begins the Sukkot Festival. Like any Jewish holiday, so does this one, too, have layers of meaning and a uniqueness, both in significance and in action.
The New Jewish Year is almost upon us, and I would like to wish to all the Jews (and the non-Jews) Shana Tova! A Good and Blessed Year!
Risk Based Thinking 25 באוגוסט 2016 Last week I have read an article, posted at the professional social network, LinkedIn, on the …
Tomorrow, Friday, it is going to be Tu BeAv, the 15th of the month of Av. The Ancient Festival of Love and Passion. And here I am, as usual, thinking and pondering on the subject of this holiday, reading interpretations...
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