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This coming Sunday the Jewish people all over the world will celebrate the beginning of another year, the 5776 by Jewish count.
7 Secrets of Root Cause Analysis 26 בספטמבר 2014 This time I would like to offer you an article I have read …
Rosh Hashana is upon us and I would like to wish everyone a good year, per Jewish count 5775.A new year is not just a year when everything may be better. It is an opportunity to reflect upon the past year, to leave the troubles behind;..
We have spoken of variance, we have spoken of uncertainty, let us now talk of accuracy. The concepts are inseparable.I would like to illustrate accuracy through stories of two renowned archers from history, or legend, depending on whom you ask.
Most of us dislike uncertainty, by our very nature. It evokes fear of what the future holds, of losing control, of helplessness. We like being in control, knowing what to expect. Since we developed our scientific and logical thought, we rely on our logic. And what is logic? A deduction based on our experience: “if A then B”.
Hello, I would like to wish all of you who are of the Jewish persuasion a Happy Passover. May your holiday be filled with significance, as is the purpose of Passover: significance...
Last week, we held a discussion in class in the Quality Engineering course program, while answering questions in preparation for the ICQE exam. A student has asked me whether I truly thought that not all knowledge is always helpful. I replied that indeed this was so. Moreover,..
Today’s discussion is going to be somewhat different than usual. I would like to talk about the importance of words in our lives, despite the fact that most of us don’t usually credit them with any importance at all.
Lately, I have had the pleasure to participate in a fascinating discussion on the LinkedIn network on the subject of worker empowerment. It took place in a group of which I am a member. One of the quality managers shared...
Over 50 years ago Dr. W.Edwards Deming has formulated his famous 14 Points, which are studied in every Quality Assurance course ever since. Today I would like to talk about the 11th Point of Deming's 14 Points: “Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for management”.
Today I shall tell you another story about the Sages of Helem and problem solution. I know this one in Russian, beautifully translated from Yiddish, in which it was written by Ovsey Driz, a wonderful Russian Jewish poet and writer, as part of a cycle “The bead bookmark”.
Size matters 22 בדצמבר 2013 A short while ago we have celebrated Hanukkah, and at the party in my son’s school a …
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