This time I would like to offer you an article I have read on the web, following a discussion on one of the professional social networks, focused on the best tools for making a good root cause analysis of a problem. The article was written by Mark Paradies, president of System Improvements, Inc, and it may be found at his websiteThe TapRooT® Folks.
Some of Mark’s conclusions I personally do not agree with, but the article provides an excellent review of the basics of root cause analysis, its advantages and its weaknesses, and is written in a good, methodical way.
Since the article was written by someone who has developed a system and software in this field, its perspective is the benefits of using the system and the software. However, this does not diminish the value of the analysis provided here, if you do not use them.
Those of you who would like to acquire or improve their skills in the area, the system offered appears to give a methodical solution to improvement and study of root cause analysis, and you are welcome to take a further look into it. Those who do not wish to do so – just ignore the tools specific to the TapRooT system, and focus on the principle of the correct analysis brought to you here.