To a good year of renewal – 5779
Rosh Hashana is already behind us, as is Yom Kippur, we are now just before Sukkot, and I haven’t written to wish you all a good new year yet. Therefore, I shall do so right now, and this time I shall tell you a bit about all the renewal that is taking place in my life.
First, personally
This year I have become, for the first time, a mother of a grown child. Yes, that’s right, my son has celebrated his 18th birthday this August, and a mother is an entity which changes along with her children’s metamorphoses and their passing in the circles of life. Thus, 18 years ago, I have become a mother, and now – the mother of an 18-year-old young man. A new era begins, with much renewal and change.
Also in my personal life, I may share with you that during the past 13 months, since August 2017, I have become lighter by 22 kg, and my process of returning to health is still ongoing. It’s more than one-third of the way toward the goal I set for myself, and that is very encouraging. It makes me feel lighter, my physical health and physiological processes improved, increased energy and, of course, – higher morale and motivation to continue. For those who do not know this about me, I do not diet, I don’t believe in diets. The changes I made and shall continue making in my nutrition are permanent, out of a will to improve my health. Any of you interested, are welcome to contact me and I shall share the details of the changes and the rationale for them.

Second, professionally
Second, as a teacher in our wonderful dialogue school “Siach”, which I was fortunate to share in creating, developing and bringing to where it is now. This year I am able to interact with more children, and that fills my heart with joy and much comfort. God gave me but a single child of my own, but then added 100 more at “Siach”, which is a great privilege and an endless wonder.
In addition, in the professional plane, I am at this time busy with upgrading this website. I hope that in about two months I may be able to finish the work and publish the new site, which is another welcome renewal. It takes quite a bit of time and learning but increases all the positive feelings when everything works as I want it to. The next time I write to you it will be from the new website.
And finally, in the business plane, there is renewal, as well. New training and work plans, new partnerships, new horizons, new areas of activity I never dealt with before. Again, a great deal of learning and thought, but these bring growth and you know how much I love learning.
And finally, wishes
I also haven’t forgotten to design a card for the new year, it is given below.
I have heard a few interpretations of this 5779 year’s Hebrew letters, תשע”ט:
- the year of a good eye (שנת עין טובה) – may you bring with you and see all around you all manner of good things everywhere;
- the year of doing good (שנת עשה טוב) – may you focus your energy on doing what really does good and not only looks good;
- and the interpretation I loved most: the year of bursting forward (שנת שעיטה קדימה).
I invite you all to join me in renewal in your lives and your thoughts, to learn, to grow and begin the year with the intention of bringing yourselves, at home and at work, to bursting forward. Think on all the little actions you can do today to get yourselves there.
Write to me about what you decided and chosen to change. I shall be happy to hear from you.
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