Relaxation and training
A recreational type of group gathering (or a series of such), as is customary to hold in organizations for their employees’ social well-being, like a fun day or a field trip. It can be held in a country club, a hotel, or a wellness facility. Part of the day is dedicated to relaxation and fun, and a part – to empowerment and learning attitude-change.
For all from the top and mid-management, leading change processes dripping downwards in a wide and gradual process, contributing to the group, the organization and the workers themselves.

This plan may be tailor-made for you if you wish to:
- no longer accept the constant struggles in the organization as inevitable;
- start taking your organization to a new level, one area at a time – but not as yet in a more drastic all-encompassing process;
- begin a gradual process which would drip down to every level of your organization in an enjoyable and informal way;
- step onto the path towards a deep and wide change in the organizational climate…

What are this plan's benefits?
As opposed to the reality-changing plan, this process is much more informal and free. Here you can:
- implement separately in each area;
- pool together several areas of the highest demand;
- move forward at your own rate, dictated and limited by your own limitations;
- no commitment is required at every level of the organization at once.
The progress shall be slower, more sporadic, but creating noticeable results in every area which may become a trigger for a deeper change.
What does the process require from you?
The process requires to be open to the people-empowerment approach as a basis for improvement in quality, organizational climate, employees’ commitment to their work, productiveness and, as a result, – profitability. It requires recognition that people work better when they have a good reason to work, when they are motivated and are willing to own their jobs.
A long term commitment is necessary and planned sessions appointments should be consistently kept for all departments and workers at all organizational levels, as well as the understanding that lasting results are not achieved in a quick-fix manner of program. In other words, patience and persistence.

What does "Quality with a smile" offer?
“Quality with a smile” suggests recognizing the difference in viewpoint between employees at a mid-management level and up and workers at a lower organizational level. In addition, various target audiences on differing organizational levels do not, as a rule, feel comfortable to undergo empowerment training together.
This plan, therefore, offers to separate the two types of target audiences: quality teams and the mid- and top management will receive training with a view more suited to their viewpoint; while the operators and workers on the lower organizational levels will receive training tailored to their viewpoint and needs. Below you will find the offers in more detail.
QA team and the top / mid-management
“Quality with a smile” suggests to begin the process with a series of 4 to 10 meetings with the QA team, the top or wider mid-management, to get all their members committed to create a change of approach to the quality and management processes in your organization, their own place in relation to these processes and the people creating them – not necessarily in this order.
An excellent opportunity for this type of training is to combine fun days with professional training in QA, by taking the people out of the organization and to a day of relaxation at a swimming pool, country club or a resort in the north region, which would be chosen together with the organization (see more info by clicking the picture on the right). The obvious advantage of this type of training is the openness it creates in people: being physically away from their workplace, participating in relaxing and enjoyable activities, allows them to come to the training as open-minded as they can be to listen and accept. That is as opposed to having the training at the conference room at your facilities on a regular workday, where each recess signals a return to halted work, their thoughts turning around the loss of time away from their job awaiting them outside the door and the people they need to meet for a discussion.
Though “Quality with a smile” makes this plan around a certain list of topics, a custom-tailored package may be created by adding or replacing any of them, to better benefit the organization.
Workers / operators
At the same time, or separately, as you choose and wish, “Quality with a smile” offers training and empowerment activity combined with fun days for the workers/operators, as well. This shall enable combining the employee-wellness program with an added benefit to the organization of empowering and relevant content, which will promote workers’ responsibility for their tasks, increase motivation, understanding of the processes they are involved with and the idea and skills of cooperation.
Catch two birds at one go, and get maximum benefit of a fun day with magical accumulating results, manifesting themselves in surprising and unexpected places.
Here too, is a series of 4-10 meetings, focused on the workers themselves and creating a good feeling about their work, empowerment and engagement in the processes in which they participate, combined with fun activity at a swimming pool, country club or resort in the Northern region, which will be chosen together with the organization (see more details at left). Any place where they can relax, be free from the daily work hassle and open to change.
Together we shall start the process that will take your organization to extraordinary results.
to set up a date, content and scope, and to register.
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