Group Growth Circles
Group dynamics work differently
As I mentioned about the Personal Growth plan, in all my years of experience as lecturer and consultant, I found that teaching Quality Assurance is teaching life skills. The purpose of group growth circles is similar work, though not personal and concentrated, but in a group, more slowly and on a single chosen subject.
The life skills I help you acquire are not limited to the workplace, for we have already established: people do not change at work as opposed to home. Most often, our difficulties are connected to other people and our relationships with them, and if not with them – then with ourselves.

However, not all can easily deal with changes, confront themselves in the mirror and do the (not easy) work in order to change in ourselves that which we don’t like. Some may feel coaching is too big and overwhelming a step. Group work may open it for them without testing them, allowing to experience coaching processes and see for themselves how they can help in work and life. If you are:
- considering an empowerment and better relationships session for your employees;
- my former students from one of the colleges;
- went through a training at some organization;
- wish to arrange a meaningful gathering for colleagues;
- looking for an idea of a gift for a friend, where everyone can both grow and have fun;
- a membership club, interested in a fun and beneficial activity…
“Quality with a smile” offers an open, light, group activity, on subjects of universal interest – Group Growth Circles.
What are this plan's benefits?
The purpose of any coaching on any subject is to facilitate a change in perspective, bringing a change in thinking, bringing a change in actions, followed by a change in results and the feeling something has improved, not only at work but also at home, in relationship with the spouse, parents, children… relationships in general. Some, following coaching we undergo together, feel as if something opens up in them and go through such radical changes, they may, for example, get another job, receive promotions, solve ancient conflicts with colleagues, or even completely overhaul their lives. All due to the personal changes they undergo which result in opening of new possibilities in their lives, which seemed impossible before or just went unseen.
The process’ addresses common difficulties in our lives, at times seeming unconnected to one’s work, or connected only to oneself and one’s attitude to the world and those around one. It seems as if it affects only us and “there is nothing to be done”. It’s like a blockage which needs to be opened to go forward.

I shall say once more, for it is absolutely not self evident and I cannot repeat it enough: in your job you work with people, therefore, the people work with you: they respond to you, develop an interaction with you (for better or worse), trust or mistrust, conflicts, in other words – a relationship. They all, just as yourself, have their own difficulties, accompanying them everywhere. Conclusion: if you improve something in yourself – people will respond differently to you, your relationships will improve.
A group session allows to focus on a common difficulty, realize that we are not the only ones dealing with it, that there may be other ways to view the situation, which brings creative solutions we never considered before.
You may see results such as:
- less conflicts with the people around you;
- better understanding of the people around you, showing their actions in a different light;
- better cooperation with those you work with;
- increased self confidence;
- higher satisfaction in the area of coaching, or in your work;
- and more…

What does the process require from you?
To identify an area in your life where you feel you’d like to achieve more, where you struggle too much. Come to the session willing to be honest with yourself and open-minded.
This said, it should be understood: a coach may help you identify the place where a change can be made in order to progress, but you will have to make the change by yourself for yourself, even if it is with the coach’s support and instruction.
What does "Quality with a smile" offer?
Holding Group Growth Circles sessions for those choosing this plan and the people they bring.
Vera Kofyan specializes in facilitating change processes specifically for QA people, workers, middle and top management, and anybody who wishes, both personally (one on one) and in small groups of colleagues, friends or even just people who want to make personal changes.
In addition, Vera Kofyan is a certified Life Coach and a certified Law of Attraction practitioner, a method of proven success and effectiveness in allowing breakthrough changes.
One cannot change another person, but each of us can change themselves.
In order to make a change in our lives, we must change our way of thinking, some habits, beliefs, which had hitherto seemed an integral part of our worldview or, perhaps, we gave them no thought, they were just in the background. If we are not willing to change them – there shall be no change. We need to make an effort, at times – a great deal of effort, but the reward is beyond anything you could imagine.
“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got”. – Henry Ford
The process is a fascinating path of discovery, and it is made by committing to a session or a series of sessions, and learning the factors causing you to be stuck, and tools and options to make the required internal changes.
The meetings may be at the home of one of the participants, at a local neighborhood club, or at any place convenient to the group. If a place is to be rented, naturally, this raises the cost of the session series.
to set up a meeting and for further details.
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